The choral society Quadriclavio, founded in 1995 by Francesco Scognamiglio and since 1998 conducted by Lorenzo Bizzarri, is a polyphonic choir formed by lovers of sacred and Baroque music who needn't anyway necessarily read music.

The single parts actually are recorded on tapes, that become the singer's groundwork for studying and learning by heart the melody written in the part.

The choir meets for rehearsal only once a week (on Monday from 8.30 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.).

Even though it is formed by amateurs, the choir performes high-level music, meeting always with success and appreciation.

The choir has no religious or political connotations and assembles people of different age, profession and orientation, joined by the love of music and the pleasure of singing together.


The Quadriclavio choir of Bologna, founded in 1995 by Francesco Scognamiglio and directed since 1998 by Lorenzo Bizzarri, eclectic musician and choir director among the most appreciated ones of Bologna, is an amateur choir with a repertoire of sacred music oriented to classical and baroque.

By paying great attention and care to the interpretation and to the performance, the Quadriclavio choir has been appreciated in all its performances and has played a leading role in many interesting concerts in Bologna and province, as well as in other Italian towns, from Apulia to Lombardy, and always enjoyed a great success .

The choir has also participated in various musical events, such as the performance of operas (Cenerentola by Rossini,
L'Elisir d'amore by Donizetti, La Bohème by Puccini), as well as the performance of previously unreleased works of
contemporary sacred music on the occasion of the 25th aniversary of the death of Cardinal Lercaro, in the presence of the Bishop of Bologna, Cardinal Biffi.

On December 5th, 2003, the Quadriclavio Choir has participated in the Ferrara Cathedral, together with the Santa Maria dei Servi Chapel Choir (one of the oldest and most prestigious choral institutions of Bologna), in the performance of Mozart's Requiem, in front of an audience of nearly 2,500 people (concert replicated on April 16th, 2004, in Gallarate with the Orchestra Filarmonica Europea).

The Quadriclavio choir is actively present on the Internet with a website ( reported by all the major
music portals in the world and thanks to the internet has developed several contacts with choirs from other countries (USA, Japan, Spain, Russia and so on) with which it organized and organizes cultural exchanges and concerts.

The Quadriclavio choir has performed with success abroad (Prague 2006, Vienna 2007, Barcelona 2009) and was invited by the Antoniano Organization of Bologna at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the children music festival "Zecchino d'Oro" on September 5th, 2007.

In December 2008, the Quadriclavio choir has performed with great success the Ninth Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven, with the "Bruno Maderna" orchestra of Forlì, concert replicated on April 25th, 2009, in the Basilica of Sarsina (FC).

In December 2009, the Quadriclavio choir participated in the worldwide first performance of the unpublished music work "Natività" by Mgr Domenico Bartolucci, in the presence of the author himself.

In June 2011, the Quadriclavio choir gave two concerts in the frame of the International Festival of University Music in
Belfort (France).

In December 2010 and in December 2011 the Quadriclavio choir gave two important concerts in favour of the restoration of the Basilica of Santo Stefano in Bologna.

In 2012, the Quadriclavio choir participated in the Alta Pusteria International Choir Festival in San Candido and Dobbiaco, and also gave several important concerts with orchestra in Rome (Rossini's Stabat Mater, Mozart's Requiem), in Lombardy (choirs and chorals from the Passions by Bach), in the Osservanza monastery of Bologna and in the frame of "The Tuesday of San Domenico" in the Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna (Vivaldi's Gloria).

In the year 2013, bicentenary of Giuseppe Verdi's birth, the Chorale Quadriclavio has participated in several executions of La Traviata, as well as of parts of Rigoletto and Il Trovatore.

In December 2013, the Quadriclavio choir has participated in the concert for the benefit of the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome, in the Paul VI Hall, Vatican city, also accompanying the tenor Andrea Bocelli, and performing Handel's Hallelujah and the "Inneggiamo al Signor" by Mascagni with the Rossini Orchestra of Pesaro.

The Choral Quadriclavio performed the Verdi Requiem in Viterbo in 2013, in Rome in April 2014 and in Leipzig, together with the Choir of the Leipzig Opera, in June 2014.

Still in the eyar 2014, the Chorale Quadriclavio accompanied the tenor Andrea Bocelli on June 10th in the event for the 100th anniversary of CONI (Italian Olimpic Commitee), broadcasted live on RAI1 (national Italian television channel), on July 20th in Lajatico in the Cavalleria Rusticana by Mascagni conducted by Placido Domingo and on September 7th in Florence in a concert conducted by Zubin Mehta.