Corale Quadriclavio, polyphonic choir in Bologna, Italy
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The Corale Quadriclavio in Bologna, Italy

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Antonio Scognamiglio

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Since 1995

The choral society Quadriclavio, founded in 1995 by Francesco Scognamiglio and since 1998 conducted by Lorenzo Bizzarri, is a polyphonic choir formed by lovers of sacred and Baroque music who needn't anyway necessarily read music.
The single parts actually are recorded on tapes, that become the singer's groundwork for studying and learning by heart the melody written in the part.
The choir meets for rehearsal only once a week (on Monday from 8.30 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.).

The Corale Quadriclavio, together with the Cappella Musicale di Santa Maria dei Servi, in the Ferrara dome

Even though it is formed by amateurs, the choir performes high-level music, meeting always with success and appreciation.
The choir has no religious or political connotations and assembles people of different age, profession and orientation, joined by the love of music and the pleasure of singing together.

Our next concerts

Il Maestro Lorenzo Bizzarri, direttore della Corale Quadriclavio

no concert is planned in the short period

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